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 Tooi and Masato
3/20 (Sat.) 19:00-  1 film 63 min
Bonus Talk 
Artist Talk 

​チケット販売終了・Ticket sales end

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No English Subtitles
’Too and Masato’ has changed the Subtitle status to “With English Subtitles”

63 min / 2021

監督、脚本:小林紀晴/原作:瀬戸正人/ナレーション:鶴田真由/ 出演:瀬戸正人、尾方聖夜/音楽:いろのみ/編集:上野一郎/ 撮影:小林紀晴、今井知佑、尾崎聖也

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Director, Screenplay: Kisei Kobayashi / Original Story: Masato Seto / Narration: Mayu Tsuruta / Casts: Masato Seto, Ogata Seiya / Music: Ironomi / Editor: Ichiro Ueno / Cinematographers : Kisei Kobayashi, Tomosuke Imai, Seiya Ozaki

“Tooi” was born in Thailand, the son of a Thai woman of Vietnamese descent and a former Japanese soldier who remained there after the war. “Tooi” became “Masato” after he moved to Japan at the age of 8. When “Masato” was 28, he travelled back to Thailand where he was born. This is the first film directed by photographer Kisei Kobayashi.


1968年長野県生まれ。東京工芸大学短期大学部写真科卒業。新聞社にカメラマンとして入社。1991年独立。20代よりアジアを旅して多くの作品を制作。著書に『ASIAN JAPANESE』『見知らぬ記憶』『愛のかたち』など多数。日本写真協会新人賞、林忠彦賞受賞。

Kisei Kobayashi

Born in 1968, Nagano. Graduate of the photography course at Tokyo Polytechnic University, Junior College Department. He joined a newspaper as a photographer and began working independently in 1991. Since his 20s, he has travelled in Asia and made many works. Writings include ASIAN JAPANESE, Unfamiliar Memories, Shape of Love and more. He received the Best New Photographer Award from the Photographic Society of Japan and Tadahiko Hayashi award.

写真家 瀬戸正人

Bonus Talk 

Photographer Masato Seto

11 min / 2021


新作の『Silent Mode 2020』を取り上げ、写真の古典的なテーマである「ポートレート」について考察しながら、瀬戸正人が自身の写真作品を交えて語る。写真はいったい誰のモノなのか? 撮られた人のモノか? 撮影者のモノか? それとも!

Director, Cinematographer: Yoshimasa Ono

Featuring his new work Silent Mode 2020, Masato Seto discusses the classic theme of photography “portrait”, with his own photographic work. Who does a photograph belong to? The subject who is pictured? The photographer? Or is it perhaps…?


写真家。1987年、ギャラリー「Place M」開設。写真集に『バンコク・ハノイ』『部屋』『binran』『Silent Mode』『picnic』など。エッセイ集『トオイと正人』で第12回新潮学芸賞受賞。写真集『部屋』で木村伊兵衛賞受賞。2020年12月 東京都写真美術館にて個展『記憶の地図』を開催。

Masato Seto

Photographer. Founded the ‘Place M’ gallery in 1987. His photobooks include Bangkok / Hanoi, Living Room, binran, Silent Mode, picnic among others. Received the 12th Shincho Gakugei Award, for his essay Tooi and Masato and the 21st Kimura Ihei Award for Silent Mode and Living Room, Tokyo. His retrospective Seto Masato: Maps of Memory was exhibited at the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum in December 2020.

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